Creation of a training Course on Commodity Classification and Identification at the Kyrgyz National University under Zhusup Balasagyn
The International Science and Technology Center (ISTC), with the support of the European Union, and the Center on Export Controls initiated a project to develop a training course on Commodity Classification and Identification as part of the Strategic Trade Control Program at the Kyrgyz National University under Zhusup Balasagyn (KNU) at the Department of Customs Affairs, Faculty of Law of the University.
In this regard, an online Meeting of international export control experts from the European Union, Ukraine, Armenia, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan was held on February 26, 2022 to prepare training Workshops on Classification and Identification of Dual-Use Goods for Customs Service officials, border guards, representatives of government agencies and private enterprises in March and April of 2022.
During the series of Workshops, which will be conducted by international and Kyrgyz experts, attendees will acquire knowledge, skills, and abilities to work with elements of the modern national export control system, learn basic procedures of EC implementation, raise awareness of classification and identification of controlled goods, and identify current threats and risks associated with dual-use goods and technologies.
The purpose of the Workshops is to create a comprehensive course on the Classification and Identification of dual-use goods to be introduced at the Kyrgyz National University as part of the Export Control Course. Implementation of this course will allow the country to strengthen the system of control over especially important transfers and minimize the risks of violations of export control legislation.
The project is implemented within the framework of the ISTC Targeted Initiative on Export Control of CBRN Dual-Use Materials and Technologies, funded by the EU.