Implementation of the Course on Export Control at the Faculty of Law of KNU
On 15th of September 2021 the Course on Export Control was launched at the Kyrgyz National University under Zhusup Balasagyn (KNU) at the Department of "Law and Customs" of the Faculty of Law, for 5th year students of the speciality "Customs". This course was developed by a group of KNU professors, experts on EC in cooperation with the International Science and Technology Center (ISTC), the Center on Export Control with the support of the European Union.
Implementation of this course will increase the awareness of customs officers and government officials on export control and security issues. The topics of the program relate to the basic concepts of CBRN, international obligations in the field of non-proliferation, the national export control system, customs regulation of foreign economic activity and the management of modern security threats with information on best practices, the latest achievements in the field of export control.
The Export Control Course (EC) is part of the curriculum, and it provides three credits (90 hours). Upon completing the EC course, students will have to a written exam or computer testing to check the knowledge acquired.
Finally, it is worth mentioning that this project is implemented under the Targeted Initiative on CBRN export control of dual-use materials and technologies from ISTC financed by the EU.