Development of the Course on EC and the master program on Strategic Trade Control at KNU
The International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) together with the Center on Export Control (CEC) with the support of the European Union, initiated a project on Development of the course on EC with the following implementation of the master program on Strategic Trade Control at the Kyrgyz National University under Zhusup Balasagyn (KNU) at the Department of Customs Affairs, Faculty of Law of the University.
The implementation of the course and master programme on strategic trade control will allow the country to strengthen the system of control over sensitive transfers and minimize the risks of violation of legislation in the field of export control. Also, this will increase the awareness of customs officers, company employees and government officials on export control issues.
In this regard, on March 17-18, 2021, a Workshop was held for KNU teachers and experts in the field of export control on the development and training of an academic program on Strategic Trade Control, organized by the Central Asian Institute for Development Studies (CAIDS). Considering that Kazakhstan is already working on a similar STC program, the project is being developed in cooperation with Kazakh specialists from the Gumilyov Eurasian National University and CAIDS (Nursultan)
This academic program will be developed at the intersection of world trade and international relations. The topics of the program relate to the use of trade sanctions, protection and control of dual-use trade to manage modern security threats, with information on best practices, recent developments in export control, international non-proliferation obligations and the country's national export control system.
Also, it should be noted that the project is implemented under the Targeted Initiative on CBRN export control of dual-use materials and technologies from ISTC financed by the EU